About Kyrenia North Cyprus - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Statiunea Kyrenia recieved a rating of 3.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Kyrenia North Cyprus, Cipru de Nord
Kyrenia, a city with more than three thousand years of Greek history and civilization, is situated on the northern coast of Cyprus and the Mediterranean is an idyllic location, home to countless civilizations, miles of natural beaches, calm sea and mild climate.
Bounded on the north and south of the Mediterranean greenery of Mount Besparmak (Five Fingers), Kyrenia offers the most beautiful landscapes on the island.
Kyrenia is a place where visitors can fill their every moment of the day laborers, exploring shops, markets, local cafes, walking the narrow alleys, cobbled streets behind the port and promenade.
The city is known for its strategic position, the port and also because he was one of the first places occupied by the Turkish army, during the invasion of Cyprus by it in 1974. The city is also home to a castle, located in the eastern end of the old fortress which is a very picturesque place, the walls of which there is a Byzantine chapel dating from the twelfth century that incorporates elements of late Roman structure, a museum of icons sheltered in a church dedicated to Archangel Michael and, in the surroundings of tourists can visit Bellapais Monastery (the name comes from the French "abbey de la paix" which means Peace Monastery), built in the thirteenth century by Franciscan monks
Kyrenia North Cyprus | Kyrenia, a city with more than three thousand years of Greek history and civilization, is situated on the northern coast of Cyprus and the Mediterranean is an idyllic location, home to countless civilizations, miles of natural beaches, calm sea and mild
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