About Protaras - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Protaras recieved a rating of 4.6 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (16 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Protaras, Ayia Napa
Located on the east coast of Cyprus, Protaras resort covers about 5 km from the coastline of Famagusta.
Protaras has blossomed into a charming resort in the 1980s as a more sophisticated alternative to the wild crowd and atmosphere specific town or neighborhood: Ayia Napa (located 8 km west).
Protaras has become an idyllic holiday resort largely due to the beautiful sandy beaches around it. There are several excellent beaches to satisfy various tastes of tourists. For example, the main beach "Fig Tree Bay, considered one of the most popular beaches on the island, offers a wide range of water sports, while the north coast, tranquil waters of Skoutari Beach are perfect for snorkelling .
Sea caves located along the coast of Protaras, are great for those who like to explore. Here visitors discover the unique rock formations, springs and hidden coves.
Before becoming a tourist resort, Protaras was virtually uninhabited, the area hosts several windmills, some still there to complement the overall landscape of the resort. Protaras can offer all-inclusive packages, which is due to the many features of the many hotels built here: restaurants, bars, swimming pools, tennis courts, spas, fitness centers, etc..
Besides the fun provided "in-house by the hotels, Protaras is home to numerous pubs, restaurants and bars located along the main street, which contribute to create a" night life "cartoons.
Protaras | Located on the east coast of Cyprus, Protaras resort covers about 5 km from the coastline of Famagusta.
Protaras has blossomed into a charming resort in the 1980s as a more sophisticated alternative to the wild crowd and atmosphere specific town or neighborhood: Ayia Napa (located 8 km west)
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