About Girne - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
During its period of maximum development, the fortress-town was surrounded by warehouses in which fruits were brought from the rural areas, pending the export. Today, the port is used mainly for pleasure boats and the buildings are almost all transformed into restaurants with tables arranged on the water's edge. A larger port is located a few miles from the city center, in the eastern part being used for commercial vessels and ferries that connect with the Turkish coast.
There are three important periods of Kyrenia Castle:
1. Byzantine Castle [330 AD-1192 AD]
2. The Crusader Castle [1192 AD-1472 AD]
3.Venetian Castle [1472 AD-1570 AD]
The city has a museum of icons housed in a church dedicated to Archangel Michael. Not far from it, there are several tombs cut in stone dating to the 4th century. In the back of the castle are the ruins of a small Christian church and in the fortress is a small tower from which a chain can be activated to block the access of any enemies inside the fortress. The St. Andrew's Anglican Church is behind the castle near the bus station and is open all year.
Girne | Kyrenia (Greek Κερύνεια, Keryneia; Turkish Girne) is a city in the northern part of the island of Cyprus. The city is known for its strategic position of its port and because it was one of the first places occupied by the Turkish army, on the occasion
of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974
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